Giles Coren explores Our Food
The Times critic and lovefood contributor fronts a new BBC series examining our food heritage.
Just when you thought the BBC had exhausted every possible British travelogue, here comes another one – but because Our Food features all things edible, we’re interested this time.
Presented by Times restaurant critic and lovefood contributor Giles Coren, it sets out to tell the stories behind what we eat and how it’s produced. This isn’t just a food documentary, though; there’s history, archaeology and biology in there. That's why Coren is joined by botanist James Wong, historian Lucy Worsley, archaeologist Alex Langlands and horticulturalist Alys Fowler.
The series will travel from Norfolk to North Wales, Kent and the west of Scotland. Along the way they’ll tell the stories behind ingredients from samphire to lavender, salmon to sea trout.
They’ll also look at the way food was transported in the past, from wherries to trains.
Our Food is on BBC2 on Wednesday nights at 8pm.
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