The top 10 BBQ foods for 2014

Which barbecue foods are the hottest this year on the Great British grill?
Britain is developing a taste for barbecued fish, according to a new survey conducted by Morrisons. Vegetables and halloumi cheese are also becoming more popular, but the humble sausage is still the favourite of thousands.
Fishy news
15% of Brits will try barbecuing salmon this year, while 6% will give mackerel a go – double the proportion who cooked mackerel in 2013.
Andrew Speight, Fish Specialist at Morrisons, says that salmon is a versatile choice, but also proposes alternatives such as trout, sea bass, sea bream and sardines. “For a stronger tasting fish, try mackerel or tuna steaks,” he suggests.
When cooking your fish, Andrew says to make sure that the barbecue is “really hot before you start cooking; this means the fish will cook quickly, keeping its natural juices.” You should oil the grill and fish just before you start cooking, skin-side up, to reduce the chances of it sticking and breaking.
Top 10 barbecue foods
Sausages lead the charge in the top 10, with a massive 68% of people saying that they’d be enjoying barbecued sausages this year, up 1% from 2013. Meanwhile, burgers stay solid at 65%.
Chicken remains a mid-table staple, and steak is also on the up.
Halloumi, salmon, vegetables and king prawns have seen a sudden jump in popularity since last year. Here’s how the numbers stack up:
Food |
2014 |
Food |
2013 |
Sausages |
68% |
Sausages |
67% |
Beef burgers |
65% |
Beef burgers |
65% |
Steak |
40% |
Steak |
26% |
Chicken legs |
36% |
Chicken legs |
25% |
Vegetables |
30% |
Chicken thighs |
22% |
Chicken thighs |
30% |
Chicken wings |
18% |
Chicken wings |
28% |
Vegetables |
17% |
King prawns |
16% |
Salmon |
8% |
Salmon |
15% |
King prawns |
8% |
Halloumi cheese |
15% |
Halloumi cheese |
6% |
But what do you think?
For more barbecue inspiration, see our collection of barbecue recipes and decide what to have alongside your main with our top 10 barbecue sides.
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