Tiffany Goodall
Tiffany Goodall was born and educated in London. In 2004 she trained at the infamous BALLYMALOE COOKERY SCHOOL with Darina Allen. Completing top in her final exams she continued running her own private catering business from her home in London during her GAP year and also cooked extensively for corporate events in the City. Taking a gap year she travelled on a culinary journey throughout Thailand; where she completed a Thai cooking course, Australia , Singapore , Bali , Vietnam and India gaining a great insight on the differences of cultures and food. Returning to the UK she enrolled as a Business student at Newcastle University. As a student, Tiffany was concerned with the quality of food surrounding her - the young people were all interested in food and how to cook it but found it difficult with restricted budgets; she felt she could bring everyone together to cook and enjoy food and `TIFF'S TUESDAYS' became a regular event. With a budget of £5 per student Tiffany soon found that her Tuesday night themed meals were a great way of encouraging her fellow students to try something fresh, new, healthy and often organic and by getting everyone involved in the cooking they enjoyed dinners which included Chinese New Year, `Fruit de Mer' on Valentine's night, Summer Barbeques, Yummy Curries, autumn Pheasant Feast and the all time favourite: a Sunday Roast. `FROM PASTA TO PANCAKES, THE ULTIMATE STUDENT COOKBOOK' is her first book with recipes for all occasions for young people and students. It is a `bible' for all, and perfect for those taking their first tender steps in the kitchen. It is published by Quadrille and released in August 2009.