A bowl of cereal can make for a fast and fuss-free breakfast, providing energy, fibre, calcium and protein (from the milk), plus – with fortified cereals – a range of vitamins and minerals. But unfortunately, while they might be tasty, these cereals often come loaded with added sugar. Here, loveFOOD's nutritionist Angela Dowden reveals some of the sweetest cereals on the planet.
Click or scroll through our gallery to discover the world's most sugar-loaded cereals, counting down to the worst offender of all.
For this gallery we used UK NHS guidelines for sugar and fibre intake. The UK recommendation is that an adult should have no more than 1oz (30g) of 'free' (added) sugars a day, and children aged between seven and 10 years no more than 0.8oz (24g). A teaspoon of sugar is 0.1oz (2.8g). The World Health Organization guidelines for sugar intake are very similar. Sugar contents were sourced from brand websites or sometimes direct from packet information and percentages rounded to the nearest whole number.