Common food mistakes, and how to fix them
Perfection every time

Kitchen nightmares come in all shapes and sizes – whether your roasts are often overcooked, your cakes are flat as a pancake or you always seem to end up with soggy vegetables. But the good news is that many of these everyday cooking mistakes can easily be fixed with a few handy tricks and hacks. Read on to say goodbye to sunken cakes, sad salad leaves and split sauces as we solve the most common kitchen fails.
Click or scroll through our gallery to discover 39 easy fixes for common kitchen mistakes – counting down to the most valuable one of all.
We've based our ranking on how common each mistake is, taking into account expert advice, research and the experience of our team. This list is unavoidably subjective.
39. Cakes stick to the pan

Simple round, square or loaf cake tins are easy to grease and line with baking parchment. But bundt, ring and novelty tins are trickier to grease and can often result in stuck cake. The solution is to use a cake release spray or brush the tins with melted butter to get into all the nooks and crannies, then dust with flour to prevent sticking. Any gaps in the flour will show where you've missed with the oil too.
38. Crystallised sugar in caramel

When you're making caramel, the sugar can crystallise into hard, cloudy lumps, messing up all your hard work. It tends to happen when water is added to the sugar, which isn't necessary anyway. The trick is to heat the sugar slowly on its own, shaking the pan to get it to melt evenly – a sauté pan is best for this. It can also happen if you stir the sugar, so keep shaking, rather than stirring. Sometimes, it's plain bad luck, but this shouldn't happen if you follow our tips.
37. Tough, chewy scones

Scones need a light hand, a gentle touch and as little mixing of the dough as possible. Rather than rolling them out with a rolling pin, simply use your hands to pat them to the correct size. The first ones cut will be the best, then simply bring the dough back together for a second cut. Work quickly and efficiently to keep the texture light and crumbly.
36. Undercooked turkey and stuffing

Festive cooking can quickly turn into a disaster if the turkey and stuffing are undercooked. The best way to prevent this is to cook your stuffing separately. If you put stuffing directly into the cavity of a turkey, it makes it harder for heat to travel through the bird. However, if you really want to stuff the turkey, leave the cavity free and fill the neck area instead. Be aware that stuffed turkeys take longer to cook, too.
35. Discoloured avocados

It turns out that putting an avocado stone in to prevent your avocado discolouring is a myth. As soon as avocado is exposed to air it oxidises and goes brown, so the surface needs to be covered directly with cling film to keep out the air. A good squeeze of lime or lemon will delay it, as will brushing it with olive oil, but it still must be fully protected from the air.
34. Using olive oil for everything

It's common to reach for the extra virgin olive oil for, well, everything in the kitchen. But you're actually doing yourself (and your food) a disservice by relying too much on EVOO. Neutral olive oil has a higher smoke point so is better for high-heat cooking, while peanut and vegetable oils are great for deep frying. Meanwhile, sesame and coconut oils impart flavours that can really lift your dishes. Experiment and watch your cooking go from strength to strength.
33. Bread that won't rise

Making bread is a long process with many potential pitfalls. If you keep ending up with lousy loaves, first focus on your ingredients. Is your yeast past its use-by date? If so, the bread won't rise. Also, you should use lukewarm (not boiling) water to hydrate your dough because hot water can kill off the yeast. Next, take the time to make sure you knead your dough until it's stretchy and springs back when you poke it. Only then will you achieve a beautifully airy loaf of bread.
32. Storing hot food wrong

It's great to reuse leftovers and reduce food waste, but make sure you're storing hot food correctly to avoid illness. Instead of cooling food gradually at room temperature, divide it into smaller portions and cool it as quickly as possible to prevent bacterial growth. Consider plunging it in an ice bath and then refrigerating it promptly. Always store food in lidded, airtight containers for maximum longevity, too.
31. Not cleaning as you go

Ever cooked a marvellous meal only to turn around and discover you've used every utensil, pot and pan you've got? Suddenly, the kitchen looks like a mess and there's a ton of washing up to do. You can make things so much easier on yourself if you abide by a rule of professional chefs: clean as you go. Put a waste bowl near your chopping board and keep everything organised. You'll work smarter and smoother, not harder.
30. Food sticks to the air fryer

Air fryers are fantastic for quick and easy meals, but it's frustrating when food gets stuck to the basket. To guard against this, make sure your air fryer has preheated to the correct temperature and that you've spritzed the food with oil. If that doesn't work, try adding a spray of oil to the basket while it heats up or using an air fryer liner.
29. Undercooked poultry

Undercooked chicken, turkey, duck or goose can be extremely hazardous to your health, so it's important you follow strict timing guidelines. But sometimes even that can let you down, so the best way to check your poultry is cooked is with a meat thermometer. The thickest part of the meat should be a minimum of 75℃ (170℉). If you don't have a meat thermometer, pierce the thickest part of the bird to see if the juices run clear with no hint of pink.
28. Cookies spread in oven

It's very tempting to skip the chilling part of a cookie recipe and speed straight through to baking. But if your dough is still warm from all that rolling and mixing, your cookies may spread and break while baking in the oven. It's important to pop the dough in the fridge to allow the butter to firm up and the flour to rehydrate. After that, your cookies should have a wonderfully chewy (rather than cakey) texture.
27. Food sticks to a cast iron pan

If that trusty cast iron skillet is losing its 'stickability', it needs to be seasoned again. Coat the base of the pan with cooking oil, then leave it on a gentle heat on the hob for an hour, or upside down with foil underneath in a medium oven for the same time. Avoid using soap to clean it – use a scourer and hot water so the oil engrained in the cast iron isn't lost.
26. Soggy green vegetables

A soggy pile of green veggies at the side of your plate is a sorry sight. To avoid making this mistake, cook green veggies in boiling, salted water for a maximum of three minutes (broccoli will need a minute or two more). Vegetables carry on cooking once they've been drained, too, so factor that in and, if they're at risk of overcooking, plunge them into a bowl of iced water. Oh, and don't cut a cross into Brussels sprouts – it makes them cook too fast.
25. Dense cake

There could be several reasons for dense cake, including both under- and over-mixing. For example, the cake mixture may not have enough air because the eggs and sugar weren't creamed together for long enough, or you may have folded in the flour too heavily and knocked out all the air. Similarly, perhaps you've bashed the whisk on the edge of the mixing bowl and knocked the air out that way. Another possibility is that the baking powder used may be too old to work. Check the labels on your ingredients before you bake your next cake.
24. Poorly carved meat

A roast can be ruined right at the end if the meat is poorly sliced and presented haphazardly on your plate. In future, when slicing or carving meat, always cut against the grain. You'll see lines of muscle fibre along the meat – you need to slice perpendicular to them, or you'll get the whole muscle fibre in your cut. Where you can, buy your meat from a butcher and ensure it's the best quality you can get.
23. Overflowing cake batter

There's nothing more frustrating than finding that your carefully prepared cake has spilt out all over the oven. Next time, check the tin size stated in the recipe and measure your tin. If your batter still overflows, either find a new recipe or use your baker's instinct and switch out the tin for something bigger. As a general rule, cake batter should fill from half to two-thirds of the tin – no more.
22. Eggs stick to the pan

Egg whites are pure protein and don’t contain any fat, so they stick easily to an unprepared pan. Even if your pan is non-stick, it's worth rubbing it with an oiled piece of kitchen paper. If it's not non-stick, add a layer of oil to the base. Also, ensure the pan is very hot before adding the eggs, so they set instantly.
21. Split or curdled hollandaise sauce

Hollandaise sauce is an emulsion, made by slowly whisking melted butter into an egg yolk mixture in a bowl over hot water. Unfortunately, it often splits when it's overheated. To fight against this, add a teaspoon of mustard powder to the egg yolks to help stabilise the mixture. Also, the water under the mixing bowl should be hot, but never boiling. It's worth whisking the sauce off the heat now and again to control the temperature.
20. Burnt cake edges

A perfectly cooked cake can be ruined by burnt edges. The problem here is that the tin has been over-greased with butter or oil to prevent it from sticking. Lining the tin with baking parchment is a safer option for evenly cooked cakes, and it prevents any browning at the edges. If you must use oil or butter, grease sparingly.
19. Food tastes bland

Always taste as you go while cooking, and don't be afraid of salt. It doesn't just add saltiness, but enhances flavours, bringing out sweet and savoury notes. Aside from salt, which when used correctly will transform your cooking, some freshly ground black pepper or a little chilli will likely improve things. Also, there's barely a savoury dish that isn't made better with a squeeze of lemon or lime juice. Tasting frequently will build up your confidence in how much to add and when.
18. Soggy pork crackling

Moisture is the enemy of perfect crackling. Pat the pork skin with kitchen towel once it's unwrapped, then leave it uncovered overnight in the fridge. The cool temperature will further dry out the skin. Sprinkle the skin liberally with sea salt, then begin roasting in a very hot oven, where the rind will begin to bubble and crackle. Turn the oven down to continue cooking the meat.
17. Runny frosting

If your royal icing is always runny, you either need more icing sugar or less water – and maybe a bit of patience! But cream cheese frosting is a little more complicated. The best way to ensure stable frosting every time is to use the best quality, full-fat cream cheese and butter at room temperature. Reduced-fat or low-quality cream cheese can be watery and lead to frosting disasters.
16. Flat meringues

Meringues don't rise and spread in the oven for two reasons. The first is the sugar was added too quickly to the egg whites and insufficient air was incorporated. When mixing your meringue, add the sugar a tablespoon at a time, and count to 10 between each addition. Bashing the beaters on the side of the bowl to get the mixture off will also knock the air out of the mixture. Use a spatula instead.
15. Food sticks to the pan

If food always sticks to your pans, ask yourself a few questions. Was the pan hot enough? Was there enough oil? Was the pan overcrowded? Always be aware that the temperature of your pan will drop every time you add a new ingredient, especially if that ingredient is a big slab of meat or a frozen item. Some pans, such as aluminium ones, stick worse than others, so it may also be worth investing in a better pan.
14. Messy meat juices

Meat or poultry always needs to be rested when it comes out of the oven. This allows the proteins in the meat to coagulate and keeps most of the juices locked in. But it can be annoying when those resting juices escape from the chopping board and spill all over the counter. The simple solution to this problem is to buy a chopping board with a juice well, which will catch any escaped juice before it makes a mess. Plus, you can then use the juice to take your gravy to the next level.
13. Overcooked eggs

Eggs cook remarkably quickly, and they keep on cooking once removed from the heat. The best way to stop overcooking them is to keep an eye on the clock. For a perfect boiled egg, allow five minutes for a fairly runny yolk, seven for a firmer, more creamy yolk. For scrambled eggs, cook them over a medium heat and remove right before they're done. Same with an omelette: fold it over while the centre is still runny. For perfect poached eggs, add a splash of vinegar to a pan of boiling water, swirl the water, tip in your eggs and cook for two to four minutes.
12. Meat won't sear and brown

If your cuts of meat won't sear, chances are the meat is too wet. Dry it thoroughly with kitchen paper. Ideally you also want to leave it uncovered for an hour or two in the fridge to dry out completely, then allow the meat to get to room temperature before cooking. Remember to also oil the meat, not the pan. The pan needs to be so hot you can feel intense heat when you put your hand just above it.
11. Cake top cracked

A cracked cake top is hardly up there with the greatest culinary disasters because it can easily be covered with cream or a dusting of icing sugar. But the root cause of a cracked top is that the oven temperature is too high. We'd recommend investing in an oven thermometer. Ovens, especially older models, can be unreliable temperature-wise, and a thermometer will give a true reading of the heat inside.
10. Chocolate goes lumpy when melting

If your melted chocolate has ended up as a claggy, lumpy mess, it has seized, in culinary terms. This is either because the chocolate has overheated while in its bain-marie, or some of the water from the pan underneath has splashed into the chocolate. To avoid this, the water under the chocolate bowl shouldn't touch it and should be kept at a gentle simmer. A little patience is needed for the best result.
9. Sad, limp salad leaves

Although bagged, pre-washed salads are quick and convenient, they are packed under carbon dioxide, so as soon as they are exposed to air, the leaves deteriorate rapidly. You could try putting them in iced water to pep them up, but it's better to buy a whole lettuce still on its roots. These will last longer and definitely brighten up in iced water.
8. Dry meat

Lean cuts of meat, such as chicken breasts, contain little fat, so dry out quickly. Overcooking is the most common cause of dry meat, so it's best to ensure your oven is not too hot and the meat is removed as soon as it's cooked through – oven and meat thermometers will help with this. You could also try wrapping it in bacon for extra moisture and buying the best quality meat with a good marbling of fat.
7. Chopping board slips

If your chopping board has ever moved while you're slicing and dicing ingredients, you'll know the dangers involved – especially if you're using a very sharp knife. To prevent slipping in the future, place a damp cloth or silicone mat under your chopping board to keep it stable, or consider buying non-slip feet for your chopping board.
6. Gummy, sticky rice

Gummy rice is the result of not allowing rice to steam once it's cooked. Wash rice thoroughly, then leave it to soak for around 30 minutes. This makes it cook faster. Allow double the quantity of water to rice and add a good pinch of salt. Bring to the boil, then turn down to a gentle simmer with the lid on. Once the water has evaporated, take your rice off the heat and allow it to steam for around 10 minutes.
5. Mushy pasta

To cook perfect pasta, use the largest cooking pot you've got and allow at least 76fl oz (2.25 litres) of water to 8oz (225g) of dried pasta. Salt the water generously and make sure the water is boiling furiously before adding the pasta. Don't overcook the pasta, either; one or two minutes under the suggested time on the packet will usually give you perfect al dente pasta. Once it's done, serve it at once.
4. Dry roast chicken

Buy the best quality chicken you can, rather than an intensively reared bird, which will dry out quickly. Be generous with the butter over the breast, and try cooking it on a bed of vegetables with a little stock to create steam in the oven, which will keep the bird moist. When it's cooked, the juices from the drumstick should run clear.
3. Soggy oven-baked fries

Potatoes have a high moisture content and this moisture can steam your fries while cooking, leading to sogginess. Here are our top tips for perfect homemade oven fries every time. Soak the potatoes in cold water for 30 minutes to get rid of excess starch for a drier, crisper result. Then dry them thoroughly in a clean tea towel. Toss in oil in a bowl, ensuring even coverage, and season well. Lay out on a large baking sheet without overcrowding, then bake in a hot oven for 45-50 minutes.
2. Sunken cake

We know it's hard, but resist the temptation to open and close the oven door to check on your cake while it's cooking. It will likely cause the oven to cool and the cake to sink. Don't take the cake out of the oven until the baking time is up and check the centre is cooked using a cake skewer, which should come out clean. Also consider investing in an oven thermometer, as the temperature it says on your oven might not be accurate.
1. Added too much salt

It's important to use salt in your cooking, but occasionally, you might be a little too heavy handed. If that happens, all is not necessarily lost. You could add an acid such as lemon juice or vinegar to tone down the saltiness if you’ve not gone overboard, or add more of an unsalted liquid like water or low-sodium stock to dilute it. Sometimes, though, you'll have to chalk it up to experience and learn from it for next time.
Now discover foods you should never order at a restaurant, from oysters to burgers
Last updated by Luke Paton.
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