Hacks for making sensational sandwiches
Debra Waters
04 July 2024
Common sandwich slip-ups
24. Removing crusts incorrectly
Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock
23. Forgetting your leftovers
Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock
22. Never experimenting with sweet alternatives
Elena Veselova/Shutterstock
21. Not getting creative for picky eaters
20. Never preparing ahead
Collins Unlimited/Shutterstock
19. Always using butter for toasted sandwiches
Dementieva Iryna/Shutterstock
18. Cutting subs incorrectly
17. Overloading on calorie-dense spreads
16. Leaving fillings sticking out
Olga Nayashkova/Shutterstock
15. Not storing sandwiches correctly
Bartosz Luczak/Shutterstock
14. Allowing tortillas to fall apart
marcin jucha/Shutterstock
13. Not experimenting with texture
12. Starting with dry toasted bread
D Waters/loveFOOD
11. Failing to season
Nelli Kovalchuk/Shutterstock
10. Making the same old sandwiches
9. Letting bacon escape the sides
Tom Grundy/Shutterstock
8. Cutting widthways, not diagonally
New Africa/Shutterstock
7. Using the wrong bread
Zvonimir Atletic/Shutterstock
6. Adding condiments too early
Tony Savino/Shutterstock
5. Squashing the bread while slicing
4. Choosing the wrong cheese
Olga Miltsova/Shutterstock
3. Not soaking up the excess moisture
New Africa/Shutterstock
2. Layering all wrong
Julia’s GraphicLand/Shutterstock
1. Overfilling your sandwich
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