What's your food heaven (and hell)?

What food would make your week, and what food would break it? The Lovefood team discuss their food heavens and hells.
Imagine your favourite meal laid out in front of you. Are you already salivating? Now imagine the worst thing you could possibly be fed. How does it make you feel?
Team Lovefood have been contemplating the foods they couldn't live without, and the foods they would rather never see again.
Let us know your food heavens and hells in the Comments below.
"It has to be blue cheese. I used to hate the stuff, but then I judged just shy of 40 blue cheeses at the 2012 International Cheese Awards – an experience that converted me completely.
"What I love about blue cheese is how pungent it is; how much of a punch it packs. Put another way, if there were a war of cheeses, the blues would definitely win. I even love that tangy aroma it emits. My favourite way to eat blue cheese is with good, crusty bread and salted butter – or in a roasted squash salad."
"Diced lamb. Especially in stews. I can’t stand the fleshy texture, and it always leaves a thin film of fat on the roof of one's mouth. Nor do I have anything positive to say about the flavour.
"When I was younger, my mum used to make lamb stew for my siblings and me. Being the carnivorous pair that they are, my brother and sister would lap it up, while I got told off for pulling disgusted faces at the dinner table. So much so that I was sent to another room to finish it once. Little do my parents know that I hid all the lamb chunks in a plant pot..."
"Burritos – or more specifically, smoked paprika seasoned beef and bean burritos with plenty of cumin, coriander, and a scattering of bird’s eye chillis. Wrap all the ingredients up in a fresh flour tortilla and liberally dole out homemade salsa, guacamole and a dollop of soured cream on the plate.
"Feeling happy? Have a burrito. Feeling down? Have a burrito. The best burritos tend to be the ones you make yourself. Restaurants often make them too greasy, while street vendors wrap them up and they then get soggy."
"Blue cheese and broccoli soup. I actually quite like broccoli, but adding it to melting Stilton in stock creates an abominable texture, and the foul taste of smelly feet lingers on your tongue for hours afterwards, to the point where you’ll actually try to claw at your tongue with your hands to get rid of it.
"I was served this for lunch once at a previous job. I drank gallons of water that day in an attempt to remove the flavour from my mouth."
"This is a very difficult choice, but I’ve gone for a homemade pasta dish. I would take melt-in-the-mouth buttery rigatoni and pair it with a scattering of homemade venison meatballs in a simple – but bursting with from-the-garden freshness – sauce of tomato, onion, garlic, basil and popped peas.
"It’s a comfort food you can enjoy at any time of the year, and in the depths of winter gives you at least a glimmer of summer as you wistfully stare at the cold, dark world outside."
"This is a very easy choice: fried eggs. Thanks to an over-zealous dinnerlady forcing eggs down my throat at primary school, I can no longer tolerate pretty much any egg dish. But there’s something about the rubbery white and the sickly, gooey centre of a fried egg that I find particularly disgusting.
"And the ‘classic’ image of the yolk oozing out of two slices of bread makes me head for the bathroom, not the kitchen."
What would your food heaven and hell be? Do you disagree with any (or all) of us? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
Stilton cheese image (at bottom) credit: Innocenceisdeath.
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