Superfoods for every ailment

Updated on 22 February 2016 | 0 Comments

Feeling bloated, tired, stressed, constipated, or worse? Here we take a dozen ailments, and recommend three different foodstuffs to treat each one.

#1 Migraines

Quinoa is a well-known superfood packed with protein and nutrients including iron, copper and magnesium. It’s known to help relax blood vessels and reduce the frequency of migraines. It can also help with high blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart attacks.

Fatty fish
Sardines, herring and trout are also known to lessen the severity and frequency of migraines. Research suggests fatty fish, high in omega 3, can lower production of chemicals in the body that cause migraines. Eat a serving of fatty fish 2-3 times a week to treat migraines.

Ginger has a long history of relieving pain associated with migraines. It works as an anti-inflammatory and helps treat nausea often accompanying migraines. Research suggests ginger can also be used to treat digestion problems. Try gingernut biscuits or take ginger supplements.

#2 Poor digestion

Ginger is a popular superfood for treating many ailments, least of all digestion problems such as aches, gas, indigestion, bloating and nausea. To improve digestion drink ginger tea - add a few slices of ginger to boiling water or add the juice from a small piece of ginger and eat with a spoonful of honey.

Peppermint is a popular treatment for digestive problems as the herb contains anti-inflammatory and antiseptic qualities. Peppermint oil can be added to tea, taken as a supplement or the leaves added to salads. It is also used to treat irritable bowel syndrome as it can soothe and relax the bowels.
Yoghurt is a probiotic and contains a high amount of good bacteria that can relieve indigestion. It can also reduce other related health problems including constipation and diarrhoea. Look for ‘live’ or ‘active’ culture yoghurt or ‘added fibre’. Add fibre-rich berries like raspberries to sweeten the yoghurt.

#3 Common cold

Garlic has been proven to reduce the chances of catching a cold and can help cold sufferers recover faster. It’s most effective when eaten raw but you can buy aged-garlic extract capsules instead. Garlic can also boost your mood, repair your body after exercise and improve sexual performance.

Oily fish
Fish such as salmon, mackerel and tuna, high in omega 3, help fight colds and flu. Research shows that taking fish-oil supplements over a 3-month period reduces the inflammation that causes colds and reduces symptoms of anxiety that weaken the immune system.

Citrus fruits
Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, lemons and limes provide plenty of vitamin C. They have been shown to reduce a cold’s duration by roughly a day when vitamin C is consumed at the first sign of illness. Vitamin C has also been found to reduce the risk of heart disease.

#4 Fatigue

Raw chocolate and cocoa
These are known to boost energy and help brain function. Sluggishness and fatigue are often a common symptom of a magnesium deficiency in the body. Stay away from processed chocolate, as it’s not as healthy for you as cocoa, which can also treat irritability.

Red pepper
Red peppers contain iron and can increase the body’s heat production and intake of oxygen. They have been recommended for providing pregnant women with an energy boost. They are also high in vitamin C containing nearly 300% of the daily recommendation while pregnant.

Oats are rich in calcium, magnesium, vitamin E and vitamin B, potassium and protein and are a great energy boost. Why not start-the-day with a bowl of porridge to beat morning tiredness. Oats can also be beneficial if you’re suffering with stress and can help improve your skin.

#5 Bad skin

Low-fat dairy
Low-fat dairy such as plain yoghurt is a good source of vitamin A, which your skin needs to mature correctly. Retinol used in many anti-wrinkle creams is actually a compound of vitamin A. Low-fat dairy is also high in calcium that the body requires to maintain healthy bones, hair and teeth.

Green tea 
Green tea has been found to prevent skin damage. It contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that protect the skin against damaging ultraviolet rays. Green tea can also help you lose weight, filling you up and speeding up calorie and fat burn.

Tuna contains a rich variety of nutrients including selenium. Not only does the mineral help prevent cell damage it also boosts elastin, a protein that keeps your skin soft, tight and elastic. Tuna can also help improve brain function and keep your heart healthy.

#6 Low fertility

Maca is a root vegetable from the Peruvian mountains that looks like a radish. The vegetable is known as a natural Viagra and helps to balance the hormones and prepare women for pregnancy and IVF. Maca provides an instant energy boost and higher doses can have a relaxing effect on the heart.

Royal Jelly
Women are advised to take royal jelly for more than 3 months before beginning natural conception or IVF treatment, because of all the fantastic vitamins and iron it contains. WARNING: Please don’t take royal jelly if you’re allergic to bee products.

Shellfish contains vitamin B12 that has been proven in studies to help strengthen the endometrium lining reducing the risk of miscarriage. Shellfish is a great source of zinc and can be used to treat damaged skin after injury. It also plays a vital role in prostate health.

#7 Stress

Mushrooms are a great source of vitamin D as they’re rich in selenium, proven to help improve your mood and boost your energy levels. Studies show that if you suffer from seasonal affective disorder then mushrooms with their high vitamin D content can really lift your mood.

Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate has been proven to help reduce stress. Research found that eating 1.5 ounces of dark chocolate a day for two weeks helped highly stressed volunteers really lower their stress levels.

The magnesium content can also help treat depression, menstrual cramps and irritability.

Green Tea
Green tea has also been proven to beat stress in a Japanese study. Levels of stress were 20% lower in volunteers who drank more than 5 cups of green tea per day compared to volunteers who drank less than one cup per day. Green tea can also help protect the skin and aid weight loss.

#8 Sleep problems

Cherries have been proven to be an effective superfood in reducing sleep problems. The melatonin in cherries helps increase sleep time and improve sleep efficiency. For best results drink cherry juice or take a supplement one hour before bed. Cherries can also ease gout and combat cancer.

Walnuts are another rich source of melatonin and tryptophan that improve the quality of sleep. They also include antioxidants that help protect the body against diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, cancer and type-2 diabetes.

Kiwi fruits are high in vitamin C, potassium, antioxidants and fibre. Recent studies have found that eating a kiwi a day 1 hour before bed led to significant improvements to the quality and quantity of sleep. The fruit can also boost the immune system, respiratory function and improve heart health.

#9 Menstrual cramps

Bananas are rich in nutrients and contain vitamin B6 and potassium that can ease menstrual cramps and reduce water retention. Bananas can also provide an energy boost before and after exercise and their antioxidants help protect against heart disease and cancer.

Sunflower seeds
These are high in zinc, potassium and vitamin E that all help to reduce cramping. The seeds also contain pyridoxine (vitamin B6) known for its pain-relieving qualities. High in carbohydrates and calories sunflower seeds are a great energy boost for exercise.

Kale has many health benefits, but scientists have linked its calcium content to the alleviation of menstrual cramps, possibly because its properties are known to help maintain healthy muscle tone. Kale has also been linked to a reduction in the risk of many cancers occurring.

#10 Poor concentration

Leafy greens are full of vitamin E, proven to improve your mental focus and help protect your brain cells from damage. Try eating leafy green vegetables such as romaine lettuce, broccoli or spinach. Leafy greens are also a good source of folate, which can help protect you against heart disease.

Whole grains are proven to aid concentration. Studies have found that eating a whole grain cereal for breakfast helps you stay more focused compared to eating refined carbohydrates or skipping breakfast. Whole grains also help you lose weight and reduce sugar cravings.

Sardines contain omega 3 fatty acids well know for giving the brain a well-needed boost, improve concentration and memory and reduce the occurrence of dementia. The omega 3 fatty acids in sardines can also help reduce cholesterol and lower the chances of developing heart disease.

#11 Constipation

Dried prunes
Prunes are a common remedy for constipation as they’re high in fibre, potassium and vitamin A. Introducing small portions of dried prunes into your diet can relieve the symptoms of constipation. Other benefits include healthy vision and a lower risk of developing arthritis and cancer.

Pears are another great remedy for constipation. They act as natural laxatives loosening the stool so it can pass gently through the intestines. Plus, research found that women who ate 3 pears a day compared to those who didn’t, consumed less calories and lost more weight.

Beans can prevent you becoming constipated and help to sustain a healthy digestive system. Baked beans are packed full of great nutrients to keep you healthy including protein, iron, calcium and fibre. But it’s the insoluble fibre in baked beans that helps to protect the colon lining from cancer.

#12 Lack of sex drive

Garlic can be off-putting in romantic situations, but it’s actually known to help boost sex drive. It contains allicin, which increases low blood flow, one of the key causes of erectile dysfunction. Allicin also boosts the immune system and garlic is known to prevent cancer.

Maca acts as a natural Viagra boosting the libido and helps alleviate symptoms of sexual dysfunction. Maca can also help balance hormones and prepare women for pregnancy and IVF. Maca provides an instant energy boost and higher doses can have a relaxing effect on the heart.

Apparently the perfect aphrodisiac (eaten cooked or raw). Oysters contain zinc, which helps maintain healthy sexual function and increases the libido for both men and women. Oysters can improve men’s sperm count, produce better swimmers and increase their sexual potency.

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