Tesco increase bottled water prices by 40 percent in heatwave

Updated on 22 July 2013 | 0 Comments

The once almighty Tesco seems to be doing all it can to keep up the bad publicity following the horsemeat scandal - now they're charging us more for water.

News out this week that Tesco has raised the price of a bottle of their Everyday Value still water (the bottle says 'still water, nothing added' - ?) by 40% from 17p to 24p. The increase was 'discovered' by NHS nurse Ross Evans, 33, when he went to a store in Culverhouse Cross, Cardiff, apparently to buy water for some of his patients (as the Daily Mail reports).

Water on the NHS?

Let's get the first minor point out of the way first: why are nurses buying patients water? Ross is quoted as saying, “Given the warnings about the elderly and vulnerable in this weather, I think this is shameless profiteering. It's sneaky. When I realised the price of the bottles had gone up from 17p to 24p I put them down again and walked out.” History does not relate whether Ross' patients ever got a drink. One only hopes he went to another shop. 

How much?!

More importantly, why are people even buying big bottles of still water? I can understand if you're out and about, a small bottle is handy, I can even understand buying carbonated water which I do from time to time, because I like the bubbles and the taste. But plain, still water? Especially when Tesco Everyday Value water is just filtered tap water! That's right. 24p for a bottle of tap water. Surely it's a case of 'Every little helps… line our pockets'. 

Cost of production blamed

Of course statements were rushed out blaming the increased cost of production. A spokesman said: “Our prices reflect the cost of production and we keep both as low as possible. We think four bottles of filtered water for less than a pound is still very good value.” 

Value on tap

Good value? Really? I don't think so. Water from the tap costs 1p for three litres. So for 24p, you get…errr…. 72l. Jo Tanner of Water UK told the Daily Mail: "UK tap water is incredibly safe. We really are a gold standard in terms of water quality. In terms of health and safety there is no need to filter mains water."

Do you buy Tesco's bottled water? Or do you think it's a case of 'buyer beware' and they're just providing a service? And have you noticed anything else go up in price in this hot weather? Let us know in the comments box below.

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