Introducing the cucamelon

Updated on 14 November 2016 | 0 Comments

They look like tiny watermelons but taste like a citrus-infused cucumber. Say 'hola' to the cucamelon.

Another exotic foodstuff has made its way to the UK, this time all the way from Central America. Say hello (or 'hola', if you prefer) to the cucamelon.

These grape-sized fruits are also known as 'Little Mouse Watermelons' (in Mexico) or Mexican sour gherkins.

Their seeds are now being sold all over the place by Suttons, as part of its James Wong Homegrown Revolution range. Previously, you had to track them down via specialist shops.

The flavour of a cucamelon is apparently "pure cucumber with a fresh tinge of lime," which sounds like a refreshing combo to us.

Cucamelons have apparently been popular in Central America since pre-Columbian times. They're easy to grow and are pest and drought resistant (not that the latter will be a problem over here).

A taste of summer

You can plant them outside in early April and potentially harvest them right up to September.

If you pick out the root in the autumn, you can then store it in a lightly moist compost in a shed or garage before planting out again the next year.

Serve them in a salad, for dipping, with olives, on a cheese or charcuterie board or even in a long drink such as a gin and tonic.

There's plenty of other exotic fruit and veg in the James Wong range, such as the Chilean guava plant, cocktail Kiwis and purslane (which apparently tastes like a mixture of mangetout and Bramley apples).

Are you interested in the cucamelon? Should we be growing exotic fruit and veg over here? Share your thoughts in the Comments box below.

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