Low fat v original: tortillas

Updated on 15 January 2013 | 0 Comments

For this low fat v original taste test, we put normal tortillas up against a lower-fat version. Which came out on top?

Tortillas: Old El Paso flour tortillasWeight Watchers tortillas

The difference: Old El Paso has 343 calories per 100g and 12.4% fat (of which 4.9% is saturates), while Weight Watchers was 253 calories per 100g and 1% fat (of which 0.6% is saturates) – that’s a pretty hefty difference. Both of them contain all sorts of unrecognisable ingredients, but the Weight Watchers version has far more of them out of the two.

The test: six tasters tested the two varieties. They were not told beforehand what the difference between the varieties was, so it was a completely blind test.

The result: Old El Paso wins. Every person bar one voted for the normal tortillas, mainly because they hated the Weight Watchers version so much, describing it as ‘dry and tasteless’, ‘totally lacking in everything’, ‘insipid’, and ‘not as good in quality as the other one’.

Conclusion: don’t buy low fat tortillas. Simple as! The fat isn’t excessive in normal tortillas anyway, and the ingredients in the low fat version are far too complex for us. 

See all our low fat v original taste tests

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