Britain's barmiest food combinations

Updated on 28 June 2012 | 0 Comments

Bacon with jam, mayonnaise on toast, ketchup sandwiches. just three of the nation's favourite odd food combos, according to a new survey.

ProVen Probiotics released the results of their survey this week, which questioned 2,000 British adults on their wackiest food habits.

Strange sarnies

Apparently we Brits are most experimental when it comes to our lunch-time bap. Banana, sugar, and peanut butter and jam fillings are commonplace, while crisp sandwiches, chip butties and fish fingers sarnies feature as the top three unusual fusions of flavour.

The research also found that people love adding chocolate to chilli con carne, eating cheese with chocolate biscuits, and mixing ice cream and chips. We’ve certainly done the first two, but chips with ice cream? Ick!

Blame the parents

A fifth of those questioned turned to their odd combination because it was fed to them by their parents when they were young. On the other hand, more than one in ten created their weird snack whilst drunk, and a tight-fisted one in five eat theirs because they are cheap to make.

And over half of women who craved odd combinations while pregnant still eat them as part of their diet after giving birth.

The three second rule

The survey also found that two thirds of Brits will happily eat food off the floor, with 40% sticking to the ‘three second rule’: that is, dropped food only picks up germs if it is left on the dirty pavement for three seconds or longer.

But Nigel Plummer of ProVen Probiotics said that taking a few risks is fine: “We might take gambles and experiment with food which can have repercussions, but by getting the balance of the bacteria in the intestine working at its best, we give ourselves the best chance of staying fit and healthy.”

Finally, one in ten of those polled don’t like different foods to touch on the plate, and four out of ten are ‘freaked out’ by certain foods and can’t stand watching others eat them –mushrooms, baked beans and prawns especially. Fish ‘whose eyes you can see’ also cause panic, apparently.  

The Top 10 bizarre British snacks...

...according to ProVen Probiotics' survey.

1.  Crisp sandwiches
2.  Chip sandwiches
3.  Fish finger sandwiches
4.  Melted cheese sandwiches
5.  Peanut butter and jam
6.  Banana sandwiches
7.  Chilli and chocolate
8.  Cheese and apple
9.  Tomato ketchup sandwiches
10. Cheese and chocolate biscuits

Club Gascon

By coincidence, Club Gascon – a Michelin-starred French restaurant in the heart of London – also announced this week that it will be showcasing an unusual ‘Marmite Royale’ at the Taste of London festival this weekend (June 21-24).

Presented in a classic Marmite jar, the dish is described as a silky duck flan served with Marmite sauce and accompanied by soldiers to dip into. Chef-patron Pascal Aussignac comments, “This recipe is for me the ultimate fusion between Gascony and Great Britain, between duck and Marmite.”

What’s your favourite weird food combo? And If you’re going to the Taste of London festival this weekend, give the Marmite Royale a taste and tell us what you think in the Comments box below.

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