Welcome to loveFOOD

Updated on 07 May 2015 | 0 Comments

A website that will do absolutely everything for you, except the cooking.

Welcome to loveFOOD. Now, this is where, in the general run of things, you would expect me to tell you that loveFOOD is the website for people who…. love food. But that’s just plain balls, isn’t it? Lovely deep-fried Cantonese fish balls, perhaps, or sticky Swedish meatballs served by a Viking concubine and washed down with a skullful of ice-cold imported lager, but balls nonetheless.

Everyone loves food. And these days almost everyone is genuinely interested in it. Food just isn’t a niche subject anymore. Mainstream terrestrial television is rammed with food programming all day (most of it rubbish), and if that isn’t enough there are about a million cable and satellite channels devoted ENTIRELY to food. There are dozens of food magazines, and so many food supplements and food pages in the general daily press that you begin to wonder if they can think of nothing to write about apart from food.

So what loveFOOD is going to do, with a bit of luck, is help you to escape from all that, from the overwhelming sticky mess of food websites and magazines and tv channels and everything else, and put it all in one place. Suddenly we’re sounding like one of those terrible debt-consolidation sites, but we’re not anything like that, and I’m not Carol Vorderman – or am I?.

So, obviously there will be a daily recipe from any one of the dozens of expert chefs we’ve lined up to play for us.  But it won’t just be a set of written instructions (although we’ll do that too), it’ll usually be presented to you as a short video as well. A lovely, properly made, HD film in which our experts cook the whole thing in front of you, step by step, in their own kitchens, bashing their own pots and sweating their own sweat.

They will give you all sorts of little tips as they go along. There will be films (short ones, don’t worry, we’re talking three or four minutes here) about the produce we’re using, about the guys who make it, farm it, bottle it, whatever. A bit of background, you know? Something to talk about while you’re eating.

There will be a regular daily blog by one of our team here, or from one of our featured chefs, or from a famous person who knows bugger all about food but has a recipe book to sell.

We will feature a “Food blog of the month” every month, because it’s time to get to the bottom of who these people are. The good ones at least. We’ll test and recommend kitchen gadgets, pots and pans, luxury food items, all that jazz.

We’ll take you through the food year and introduce and feature ingredients as they come into season. And we’ll gradually build a database here of every recipe, every cooking tip, every reliable producer, every useful shop that you could ever need. Like a Wikipedia of food, except not totally wrong all the time. Like the best food show you ever saw, except on your computer. 

A website that will do absolutely everything for you, except the eating. 


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