Jenny Hammerton
Jenny Hammerton is a film archivist who has a stickybeak fascination with the eating and drinking habits of the stars of Hollywood's golden era. Her collection of film star recipes currently numbers around 4000 and mostly date from the 1920s - 1940s. She is gradually cooking her way through them with varying results. Marlene Dietrich's Lamb Chops en Casserole - douze points. Ginger Rogers' Butterscotch Date Pudding (tapioca based) not so much. Her favourite celebrity chef is horror actor extraordinaire Vincent Price. If she had been young and good looking in his heyday she would have sat on his doorstep with a bottle of good Californian wine begging to be invited in for some Batter-Fried Tidbits, Stuffed Frankfurters or Hotchpotch of Curly Kale. She writes about film stars and food at www.silverscreensuppers.com and about Vincent Price's excellent recipes at www.vincentennialcookblog.wordpress.com