Kid stew recipe

Kid stew recipe

Jose Pizarro's mum still makes this dish every Easter and Christmas.

"These days, cabrito or kid (young goat) is very difficult to get hold of in my village. My mother has to ask around about a week in advance of when she wants to cook this stew, which she likes to make for a family get-together or celebration. In the UK, you should try sourcing it from farmers or butchers you trust; or, if you live in a big city like London, check out your local Caribbean store. Failing that, lamb or hogget makes a good substitute." 

Choricero peppers are medium-size peppers that have an intense sweet taste; they are always used dry, to add flavours to stews or soups. If you cannot find them, use pimentón de la Vera dulce.


  • 1 whole kid (approx. 5 kg), jointed
  • 1 pinch sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 6 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 4 choricero peppers, or 1 tablespoon pimentón de la Vera dulce (mild smoked paprika)
  • 4 garlic cloves, peeled
  • 1 bottle dry white wine
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 whole kid (approx. 5 kg), jointed
  • 1 pinch sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 6 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 4 choricero peppers, or 1 tablespoon pimentón de la Vera dulce (mild smoked paprika)
  • 4 garlic cloves, peeled
  • 1 bottle dry white wine
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 whole kid (approx. 5 kg), jointed
  • 1 pinch sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 6 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 4 choricero peppers, or 1 tablespoon pimentón de la Vera dulce (mild smoked paprika)
  • 4 garlic cloves, peeled
  • 1 bottle dry white wine
  • 2 bay leaves


  • Cuisine: Spanish
  • Recipe Type: Main
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Preparation Time: 25 mins
  • Cooking Time: 75 mins
  • Serves: 8


  1. Season the kid with salt and pepper. Heat the oil in a big casserole over a medium to high heat, add the kid and the peppers and fry until the joints are browned.
  2. Remove the peppers and pound them in a pestle and mortar with the garlic cloves to make a paste. (If you are using pimentón instead of the peppers, simply add this to the mortar with the garlic.) Mix the wine with this paste and stir it into the meat.
  3. Add the bay leaves, then cover the casserole with a close-fitting lid and simmer slowly for about 1 hour, until the kid is tender. Add water or more wine from time to time to keep the meat moist.
  4. Serve with a green salad. For my dressing I use one part honey, one part Moscatel vinegar and two parts extra virgin olive oil.

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