Allegra McEvedy's savoury rice recipe

This Malawian dish makes for a very yummy and simple supper. Mtedza is the Malawian word for groundnuts, which is what they call peanuts due to the fact they grow in the ground.



  • Cuisine: Malawian
  • Recipe Type: Side
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Preparation Time: 20 mins
  • Cooking Time: 45 mins
  • Serves: 4


  1. As above, whether or not you have lightly roasted or raw ones you'll want to put them through the oven again to get the colour darker and bring the flavour out - 170C/340F for about 20 mins. Once roasted leave to cool and then blend, leaving a few for the top.
  2. In your fave large cooking pot, heat the oil and fry off the bacon until golden. Stir in the onions and sweat down for a further 5 mins, then add the garlic and green chilli. Stir in the diced chicken and rice and fry everybody for a few minutes making sure the rice doesn't stick, then add the stock and a little salt and put a lid on it.
  3. From when it comes to a simmer it takes about 10 mins like that, then turn the heat right down and leave for another 10 mins. Stir in the ground peanuts, half the pepper and coriander and give it a good taste for seasoning.
  4. Do the pineapple thing if you want, otherwise just serve hot or cold, finishing with the remaining three greeneries, a squeeze of lemon and a final scattering of nuts.

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Liberation - The world’s only farmer-owned Fairtrade nut company

Recipe is courtesy of Fairtrade nut company Liberation Foods. Fairtrade nuts are now widely available in the fresh produce section in your local Tesco, Sainsbury's or Morrisons and you will find them under the supermarket's own label. Going Nuts for Fairtrade is a great way to help smallholder farmers trade their way out of poverty.


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