Baked Alaska recipe

This is a very special Michelin starred dish, if you're looking to impress its well worth the effort. There are five different elements that need to be prepared and then brought together for the final baking just before you serve..

The five elements:

1. Financiers – Almond Sponge
If you don’t have time to make the sponge, you can use a biscuit base by crushing digestive biscuits or ginger biscuits.

2. Vanilla ice cream
A good shop bought vanilla ice cream can also be used

3. Meringue – Swiss
4. Rhubarb Consomme
5. Spiced Yorkshire Rhubarb



  • Cuisine: American
  • Recipe Type: Dessert
  • Difficulty: Hard
  • Preparation Time: 40 mins
  • Cooking Time: 20 mins
  • Serves: 2


  1. ALMOND SPONGE: Beat the flour, almonds, sugar, honey and beurre noisette together until they form a smooth paste. Beat in the egg whites once again until the mix becomes smooth
  2. ALMOND SPONGE: For each financier sheet, spread a thin layer of the paste over the baking paper with a palette knife. Preheat a fan-assisted oven to 180°C and Bake for around six minutes. Cool and store the sheets in an airtight container, leaving them on the baking paper.
  3. VANILLA ICE CREAM: Bring the milk and cream to the boil in a stainless steel. Add the Vanilla. Take off the heat. Cover the pan with cling film and let the milk-cream cool completely. Strain into a bowl or fresh sauce pan.
  4. VANILLA ICE CREAM: Whisk the egg yolks and sugar. Combine with the milk and cream. Heat gently, stirring all the time, to make the ice cream base. Cool and churn. Once churned spread the ice cream on top of the almond sponge and freeze.
  5. MERINGUE: Whisk the egg whites till they start to become fluffy, Add the icing sugar and continue whisking till they rise and stiffen. The meringue should be stiff and firm to touch.
  6. ASSEMBLY: Using a size 40mm cutter, cut out an ice cream cylinder on its biscuit base. Fill a piping bag with meringue and snip off the end to give a 5mm hole. Pipe lines of meringue over the top and down the sides of the ice cream. It's very important that there are no gaps.
  7. ASSEMBLY: To achieve a finish that makes the outside look like a "hedgehog", touch the surface of the meringue with a fingertip and pull outwards. A small point will appear each time. The Alaska is ready to bake, but it's best to return it to the freezer one or two hours before serving.
  8. RHUBARB CONSOMME: Put the syrup, vanilla and star anise in a pan large enough to take the rhubarb. Put the rhubarb inside. Simmer. Cover the top of the pan with film. Cook until the skins start to split.
  9. RHUBARB CONSOMME: Take off the heat and leave to infuse 15 minutes. Pass the liquid through a fine sieve and muslin. Press the pulp gently but don't force it or the consommé will cloud. Makes around 400ml.
  10. SPICED YORKSHIRE RHUBARB: Add butter to a saucepan with sliced rhubarb, caster sugar, 1 star anise and half a vanilla pod. Cook 10 to 15 minutes until the fruit softens and forms a compote.
  11. BAKING: Preheat a fan assisted oven to 250°C. Stand the Baked Alaska on a cold baking tray. Bake 4 minutes until the surface forms a light brown colour.
  12. TO FINISH: Place a spoon of the rhubarb in the centre of a soup bowl. Stand the Baked Alaska on top of the fruit base. Pour the rhubarb consommé around the outside. Finish with drops of lemon oil.


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