Bad dieting advice nutritionists say you shouldn’t listen to
Angela Dowden
04 January 2021
21 diet tips to completely ignore
Do a juice cleanse
Anna Hoychuk/Shutterstock
An hour extra in the gym buys you a chocolate bar
Africa Studio/Shutterstock
Feeling shame about your weight will help you get slimmer
Yeexin Richelle/Shutterstock
Low carb high fat (LCHF) is the best for weight loss
Try the carnivore diet
Don’t eat ingredients you can’t pronounce
Benoit Daoust/Shutterstock
Calories are all that matter
udra 11/Shutterstock
Calories don’t matter at all
Eat little and often to prevent blood sugar dips
Don’t snack
Elena Veselova/Shutterstock
Avoid meal replacements – they never work
New Africa/Shutterstock
Carbohydrates are the enemy
Africa Studio/Shutterstock
Ditch the scales
9dream studio/Shutterstock
Eat a tablespoon of coconut oil every day
Yuriy Ivanovskiy/ShutterstockIvanovskiy
Avoid bananas – they’re sugar bombs
Capture Collect/Shutterstock
You need to detox
Antonina Vlasova/Shutterstock
Coconut sugar, agave and raw sugar are better for you
Anna Mente/Shutterstock
Avoid gluten to lose weight
You must cut out all sugar
Africa Studio/Shutterstock
Eat a big breakfast
You must have an alkaline diet
Elena Schweitzer/Shutterstock
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