Aldi and Lidl: could this be the Christmas of the discounters?

Updated on 23 October 2019 | 0 Comments

Aldi and Lidl are stepping up their attack on the 'big four' traditional supermarkets this Christmas. Will they win you over?

Just under a decade ago the likes of Lidl and Aldi were seen as something of a joke. Or worse, sneered at as cheap. They didn’t have familiar brands, just their European counterparts; and sometimes they’d stock entirely random things - to this day, Aldi is the only supermarket I’ve ever seen selling an arc welder and a bacon slicer at the same time.

But then the credit crunch happened, and - whisper it - even some middle class people were spotted buying the likes of Parmesan cheese in these stores. In the past few years both Aldi and Lidl have given a scare to the big boys, taking more and more of their market share because what people actually found once they got inside was pretty good, as well as good value. 

Record profits

In September 2013 Aldi posted record profits. Joint Group Managing Director, Matthew Barnes, explained the reason for their success: “We give customers exactly what they want, which is the best products at the best prices, every day of the year. We have a simple low pricing offer that customers really understand and we don’t try to confuse them with the likes of multi-buy promotions.” There are now 500 stores in the UK, and Aldi has even opened branches in affluent locations like Knutsford and Winchester. 

Going upmarket

This year however marks a sea change, as both are expected to have their biggest Christmas’ ever. And for the first time Lidl has produced a TV advert - surely a 'coming of age' sign? Both firms are targeting the squeezed middle class this year with more premium items, as their TV adverts show...



Lidl seem to have gone for 'M&S light' with this advert...

Have you ever shopped at either Aldi or Lidl? Do you think they're good value, and where will you be doing your Christmas shopping this year? Talk to us in the comments box below.

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