10 supermarket secrets

Want to know the secrets to the perfect trip to the supermarket? We've the inside tips to help you get in and out in record time, and save you money whilst you go.
1. Avoid the queues
Shop at dinnertime for a quiet ride. Only four per cent of shoppers get to the supermarket between seven and nine pm. Or if you’re not buying fresh, go even later when the aisles are deserted.
2. Pick from the back of the fridge
Don’t be embarrassed to pull out the containers that sit behind those at the front – everyone does it and your product will be cooler, fresher and should last longer in your fridge.
3. Exotic fruits aren’t as fresh
Everyone goes for carrots or broccoli, but it’s unlikely that most shoppers will have a bread or star fruit on their weekly list. So if you are buying exotic, examine your produce more carefully.
4. Supermarket displays are designed to make you spend
Supermarkets put cheaper produce high up on the shelves and down low, leaving the most pricey options at eye level. Don’t be tempted to choose the option right in front of you. Make sure you look up and down to see what else is on offer.
5. Service with a smile…
Is to be found in employee-owned supermarkets like Waitrose or smaller independent shops where the workers have a stake in the company. Other outlets might be cheaper, but don’t expect the staff to be as knowledgeable or spend as much effort helping you with your shop.
6. Sweets and goodies near the checkout
Supermarkets are trying to tempt you, and your kids. Putting treats by the checkout plays on tired and irritable shoppers giving in to themselves and their children. Resist temptation and save spending on things you don’t need.
7. Special offers aren’t always special
An offer doesn’t mean it’s a good deal. In fact, they often mean you shelling out 30% to 100% more than you would have spent otherwise because they entice you to buy brands you don’t normally bother to pay more for. Look carefully at what you are getting and only choose the deals where you really benefit, like buy one get one free deals.
8. Shoppers throw away 12% of what they buy
Plan your shopping list carefully by deciding what meals you are going to eat each night of the week – we’ve got loads of great ideas here. This should limit the food you end up throwing out before your next big shop. And resist the urge to impulse buy. Everything in the supermarket pushes you towards getting things you don’t need. Stick to your list and you’ll save cash and waste.
9. Reduced products are a bargain
Rather than a special offer, if you can get your hands on foods that are reduced because they are near their sell-by date then you’re getting a real deal. Supermarkets often mark products down in the late afternoon so they will sell in the after-work rush. Get yourself down to your local shop then and you can pick up your evening meal for less.
10. Supermarket layout
Cunningly, supermarket layouts are designed to make you spend. Essentials like veggies and dairy are places at opposite ends of the building, encouraging you to go down all the aisles and pick up products you don’t need. Stick to the aisles that definitely have products you want and your food bills will be significantly lower.
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