You can now buy G&T sausages

Updated on 02 August 2017 | 0 Comments

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A butcher in Northern Ireland has started selling gin & tonic flavour pork sausages. These boozy bad-boys come as a limited-edition summer flavour from McCartney’s of Moira but their director, Judith Millar, says they might be here to stay.

“We've been sampling them instore and the customer response has been great with many non-gin drinkers being converted as well. I think there might be an uproar if they were to disappear,” Judith said.

McCartney's of Moira

The spirit-infused sausages have been launched alongside another new recipe, flavoured with Kopperberg pear cider, and join a long-time classic combination of Guinness and beef.

The idea to make alcoholic sausages came about as the team were looking for something unusual for a bit of fun this barbecue season.

They will be bringing out another new flavour soon, but so far haven’t given any clues to what it is. In the meantime, try some of our favourite breakfast recipes with one of their boozy bangers.


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