Knickerbocker Glory 99 recipe

Knickerbocker Glory 99 recipe

A wonderfully British dessert, made simply from shortbread, strawberry sauce, ice cream, fresh fruit and chocolate.


  • 8 shortbread biscuits
  • 150 ml strawberry or other fruit-based sauce
  • 300 g good-quality vanilla ice cream
  • 100 g fresh fruit in season
  • 4 chocolate flakes
  • 8 shortbread biscuits
  • 5.3 fl oz strawberry or other fruit-based sauce
  • 10.6 oz good-quality vanilla ice cream
  • 3.5 oz fresh fruit in season
  • 4 chocolate flakes
  • 8 shortbread biscuits
  • 0.6 cup strawberry or other fruit-based sauce
  • 10.6 oz good-quality vanilla ice cream
  • 3.5 oz fresh fruit in season
  • 4 chocolate flakes


  • Cuisine: English
  • Recipe Type: Dessert
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Preparation Time: 10 mins
  • Cooking Time: 0 mins
  • Serves: 4


  1. Put 4 glasses into the freezer and leave them for several hours so that they get ice cold before using. Crush half of the shortbread biscuits.
  2. Put 2 tbsp strawberry sauce into the bottom of each glass, then place a shortbread biscuit on top, to separate the liquid at the bottom from the other ingredients.
  3. Add a layer of ice cream and then follow with alternating layers of fresh fruit, crushed shortbread, strawberry sauce and ice cream until the glasses are full, finishing with crushed shortbread and a few fresh berries.
  4. Top each knickerbocker glory with a chocolate flake and serve straight away.

Recipes from How To Eat In (Bantam Press) by Adam Byatt, executive chef at Trinity and Bistro Union. For more on Adam, click here.

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